4975 Austin Bluffs Pkwy, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 & 6655 W Jewell Ave, Lakewood, CO 80232 | (719) 506-2070

Helping people become firmly rooted and established in a healthy connection to self and others

- Stephen Chbosky
“Trauma is not the story of something that happened back then. It's the current imprint of that pain, horror, and fear living inside people.”
- Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
Not all trauma is relational and not all trauma is complex. All complex trauma, however, is relational in nature and is the result of repeated, often invasive injury by another person that has lingering effects throughout one's life.
Our Approach
We work with clients from a relational, experiential approach
to help undo aloneness and create secure attachment

Secure Attachment
Humans form attachment bonds at the start of life. A secure attachment style is formed when a person's primary caregiver is consistently available, and provides a safe, secure environment for an infant to grow, develop and seek support, protection and comfort.
Adults with secure attachment generally feel the world is a safe place, and others can be trusted. There is a sense that the self is resilient and is capable of managing difficult situations and emotions.
Insecure Attachment
Many people do not have the early experience of developing a secure attachment. This manifests itself throughout life in a variety of ways, including difficulty creating and maintaining close relationships, developing intimacy, difficulty with regulating emotions, social anxiety, depression, drug and alcohol abuse.
Adults with insecure attachment styles generally feel the world is unsafe, other people cannot be trusted, or the self is inherently bad or flawed. For additional information on insecure attachment styles, please go to our Resources section.

The co-creation of a genuine therapeutic relationship provides a foundation to start deconstructing unhelpful patterns of coping and attempting to get needs met, and begin the process of reconstructing new, healthy ways of connecting to the self and others.
Counseling provides a safe place a to explore the old patterns, and access new ones though corrective emotional experiences.
Our providers are trained (or in training) in working with the following issues:
Trauma & Abuse
Complex Trauma
Grief & Loss
Life Transitions
Coping Stategies
Relationship Difficulties
Complicated Relationships
Behavioral Issues